Holding a leadership role on OHSPRA's Board of Directors strengthens your connections with Ohio's talented school public relations community and helps support great professional development opportunities. OHSPRA is a chapter of the National School Public Relations Association and has been named an Exemplary Chapter for several years.
Board of Directors Information (from OHSPRA By-laws)
Article VII - Officers
Section 1: Requirements
(a) The President-elect must have served at least one year on the Board of Directors prior to running for this office.
(b) The President, President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer are required by NSPRA to hold membership in NSPRA. National dues for these officers may be paid by OHSPRA.
Section 2: Term of office
(a) The Directors, Secretary and Treasurer will serve a two-year term beginning June 1. The President-elect, President and Immediate Past President will serve a two-year term beginning June 1.
(b) The President-elect shall succeed the President and the President shall succeed the Past President.
(c) The Treasurer and Secretary will be elected on alternating years.
(d) The Board of Directors may contract with an Executive Director whose duties and compensation shall be defined by the Board of Directors.
Section 3: Vacancies
(a) In the event of a vacancy of the office of President, the President-elect shall become President. The President shall appoint a President-elect whose term will expire at the next election of chapter officers.
(b) Should the office of President become vacant at the same time that the office of President-elect is vacant, the Secretary will automatically assume the office of President in an interim capacity, while maintaining Secretary duties.
(c) The Board of Directors shall immediately canvass the Directors for nominations for President and President elect, and conduct an election of the membership to fill the unexpired term and one full term.
(d) Director positions shall be elected from among chapter members with regular, institutional, honorary or retiree membership. Whenever vacancies occur, appointments shall be made within one month by the President.
Section 4: Duties
The officers shall perform the duties provided in this section, as well as duties that may be assigned, or prescribed in the adopted parliamentary authority.
(a) The President shall:
1. Preside at meetings of the chapter and the Board of Directors
2. Exercise general leadership and supervision of the affairs of the chapter 3. Be responsible for the annual review of the chapter’s strategic plan
4. Perform all other duties commonly associated with this office.
(b) The President-elect shall:
1. Preside at meetings in the absence of the President
2. Be responsible for the annual review of OHSPRA bylaws
3. Be responsible for chapter compliance with the bylaws
4. Conduct other duties as assigned by the President
5. Immediately assume the office of President if the President is no longer able to fulfill the responsibilities of the office
6. Conduct other duties as assigned by the President
(c) The Immediate Past President shall:
1. Preside at meetings in the absence of the President or President-elect
2. Serve in an advisory capacity
3. Be the state coordinator for NSPRA and ensure the chapter is strategically aligned with NSPRA 4. Conduct other duties as assigned by the President
(d) The Secretary shall:
1. Keep meeting minutes and records of meetings for the chapter’s archives
2. Distribute meeting minutes to the Board of Directors prior to the next Board 3. Serve as historian 3. Conduct other duties as assigned by the President
(e) The Treasurer shall:
1. Oversee financial matters of the chapter
2. Work in conjunction with the elected officers and Directors to keep records of funds and monitor the annual budget process as developed and approved by the elected officers and Directors
3. Present monthly updated financial statements to the Board of Directors
4. Provide financial statements annually to the members and upon request by the Board of Directors or membership
5. Provide required tax and financial statements to NSPRA
6. Facilitate the disbursement of chapter funds as approved by the elected officers and Directors
7. Conduct other duties as assigned by the President
Director of Membership
The Director of Membership shall:
1. Coordinate membership drives and maintain membership records
2. Organize and manage services provided to OHSPRA members
3. Convene a committee to assist with tasks, if needed, and serve as chair of said committee
4. Provide a monthly oral or written progress report to the Board summarizing membership activities
5. Conduct other duties as assigned by the President
Director of Partnerships
The Director of Partnerships shall:
1. Obtain sponsorships to provide financial assistance for the activities and operations of the chapter
2. Create and maintain sponsorship programs and benefits
3. Ensure sponsors and the chapter meet expectations of sponsorship agreements
4. Convene a committee to assist with these tasks, if needed, and serve as chair of said committee
Director of Professional Development
The Director of Professional Development shall:
Develop various professional development opportunities for members (such as webinars, workshops, networking events, etc.)
Coordinate outreach to members to encourage presenting at various conferences throughout the state
Coordinate an annual conference
Work with the Director of Communications to market and publicize professional development opportunities.
Convene a committee to assist with these tasks, if needed, and serve as chair of said committee
Provide a monthly oral or written progress report to the Board summarizing professional development activities
Conduct other duties as assigned by the President
Director of Contests and Awards
The Director of Contests and Awards shall:
1. Coordinate all activities associated with the chapter's annual Achievement Awards program
2. Work with the Director of Communications to market and publicize the Achievement Awards
3. Convene a committee to assist with these tasks, if needed, and serve as chair of said committee
4. Provide a monthly oral or written progress report to the Board summarizing contest and award activities
5. Conduct other duties as assigned by the President
Director of Communications
The Director of Communications shall:
1. Coordinate chapter correspondence, media relations, and press releases on behalf of the chapter
2. Publish and distribute a chapter newsletter on at least a quarterly basis
3. Manage the online presence of the organization, including managing the organization’s web presence and social media channels
4. Serve as chapter photographer
5. Oversee video productions for the chapter
6. Convene a committee to assist with these tasks, if needed, and serve as chair of said committee
7. Provide a monthly oral or written progress report to the Board summarizing communication activities
8. Conduct other duties as assigned by the President