OHSPRA's Professional Development opportunities are made possible by the support of our sponsors.
See our full list of sponsors by clicking here.
Sponsorships will be secured on a first-come, first-served basis. Commitments may only be submitted via email to OHSPRA Director of Partnerships Kay Kay Pou at partnerships@ohspra.org.
Why sponsor? There are many opportunities for exposure. In addition to our informative website, OHSPRA provides its members with a monthly newsletter, virtual professional development, and a 2-day in-person conference. Your organization can meet and build relationships with thought leaders from across the state, including communication professionals and superintendents.
Keynote Friday presentation - 1 hour
Premium vendor table location
Conference registration for 4
Opportunity to provide branded lanyards for all attendees
Website recognition and newsletter video or spotlight
Attendee list with contact info (pre-conference)
Raffle opportunity
Meal presentation - 10 minutes
Premium vendor table location
Conference registration for 3
Website recognition and newsletter video or spotlight
Attendee list with contact info (pre-conference)
Raffle opportunity
Vendor table during conference Conference registration for 3
Website and newsletter recognition
Attendee list with contact info (pre-conference)
Raffle opportunity
Vendor table during conference
Conference registration for 1
Website and newsletter recognition
Attendee list with contact info (post conference)
$1,000 towards social food and beverage bill - SOLD OUT
May display signage and marketing materials
Brief greeting to attendees during social
Sponsor purchases logo imprinted
giveaway for all attendees.
As part of any sponsorship package, OHSPRA is offering a unique add-on that covers the cost of an award entry for a deserving district. This opportunity allows sponsors to demonstrate their pride in the service they have provided to a specific district. It often happens that deserving districts, despite their remarkable work, may face financial constraints preventing them from participating in the OHSPRA Achievement Awards. By sponsoring a district's award entry fee, your company can empower a district and give them a well-deserved chance to gain statewide recognition. The focus of the add-on is solely on empowering the district and providing them with an opportunity for recognition, with no formal acknowledgment of the sponsor's contribution, ensuring that the spotlight remains on the district's achievement. Your support reflects your commitment to your client's success while contributing to the celebration of excellence in school communication.
Sponsor a virtual hour-long event with OHSPRA members. Vendors will have the opportunity to sponsor a virtual event and showcase their service or product and/or provide a short demonstration.
Up to 15-minute presentation at a virtual event
Your logo/name on event promos
Digital distribution of your materials
Attendee list with contact info